Monday 14 March 2011

First meeting with the director...

Today I met with Jenny Jenkins, Director of the Patchwork Theatre Company. I was very, very excited about meeting with her for the first time to discuss the basic ideas and concepts of the project title.
Jo perry my Supervisor and maker was also at the meeting which meant we could propperly discuss design options and logistics, along with bugeting and schedueling.

Jenny and two other menebers of the company were present. I found this imensly useful, as the more people inolved in the production meeting to discuss ideas; meant the more feedback I got towards design ideas.
After a breif presentation of my initial research and recap of some plot summaries of various versions of the Boogeyman. I showed Jenny and her team the spectrum of images I had found surrounding the concept of the Boogeyman.

Jenny was initially delighted with the amount of research I had collected to back up my design work. Expressing a greater intrest in the more childlike dipictions of Boogey man. Jenny and her team explained that her company tend to work more in the relms of comedy than horror and therefore are looking for a more lightherated character design for the Boogeyman. As apposed to that of the dark twisted characters previously dipiced in hollywood.  As a result of this I intend to dircet my research more towards the absurdest theory and puppetry used within theatre.
As the general concepts surrounding the story of Boogeyman tend to be quite sinister and dark, it was disided that the company would improvise there own concept loosely based on the idea and themes of the Boogeyman. This is a concept yet to be chosen and finalised however basic themes of political reference, fear and hyrachi were disided upon during the meeting itself. 

Now that I know the generalized themes of the concept I can begin my further more developed research toward these areas. Directing a more specific search towards these aspects of my design theory and development.

I have set up an account on a website called DropBox. This is an online file sharing website where people can be invited to openly share a private online folder and access the uploaded files anywhere in the world. This has made it easier for myself and the director to exchnage information and ideas freely as and when we need to. Therefore I shall upload all the information I presented to the team today onto DropBox so they can acess it in order to help them with brainstorming the finalized concept of the production.

This is the image Jenny and her team liked the most as inspiration for the concept and costume design. I shall use this as my main guide and refference in creating and developing the characters.